Get Baby Started on the Right Track
A gentle mix of colorful trains, accessories, wind-up toys, and music – some classical, some bluegrass. The action and bright colors expand curiosity, hold your baby’s attention, and instill a desire to learn. Entertains, delights, and encourages cognitive development. Ages 6 months to two years. (40 minutes.)
Customer Reviews
"Toddler boys who like Thomas the Tank Engine, Bob the Builder or Jay-Jay the Jet Engine will enjoy Baby Loves Trains. The music, trains and planes will keep them glued to the screen. This reminds me of Baby Einstein but in the train style. If you have a toddler who likes to see the trains going down the tracks; this video is for him."
"The idea is to entertain, delight, and encourage cognitive development with a gentle mix of colorful trains, animals, toys, and music."
Kids First!
"My sons LOVE this DVD. It has soothing music and very colorful trains. My three year old yells out the colors and types of trains and my 8 month old is transfixed the entire length of the movie. I highly recommend this DVD for you train lover!"
Logan and Lucas Mommy
"We brought our son (almost 2 years old) to the train museum in Wilmington NC and discovered that he was fascinated by the two rooms of model railroads they have running there. I bought this dvd in the gift shop to keep the magic alive and it is fantastic. This was a few months ago and he is still pleased to watch it several times a week. There is no narration, just some bluegrass and classical music. The whole thing is live-action footage of model trains, some indoors and some outside. There are a few puzzling random shots of classic toys (like a wind up bunny and robots) but since they are short and my son loves them I won't complain at all. I can't recommend this dvd enough, I love watching it too."
E. Wilson